After our lunch my mother in-law gave a Christmas presents to my son, a big toy which my son can drive or walk with this toy car when he become a 10 months old, I think he can use this toy then to practise his walk. She gave also a money for bank account of my baby boy (what a rich boy I have richer than mommy) he-he-he.
Visiting To My Mom Inlaw
After our lunch my mother in-law gave a Christmas presents to my son, a big toy which my son can drive or walk with this toy car when he become a 10 months old, I think he can use this toy then to practise his walk. She gave also a money for bank account of my baby boy (what a rich boy I have richer than mommy) he-he-he.
My 4rth Christmas in Switzerland
We are just 6 people including my cute baby boy.
That was also the 1st Christmas of my cute baby boy. It is so nice we celebrated the Christmas with our little cute boy, I was so happy about that.
Hubby and I cooked delicious food. After the dinner we had giving gifts each other and our presents to my in-laws my own personalized calendar 2008 with our photos with my baby cute boy. My Baby boy recieved many presents from his grandparents and he recieved also big cash and gifts cards.(lucky my baby boy) he is the only one grandchild.
Our Christmas celebration was successfully celebrated. On that night we ate a lot and our stomach full of food and deserts! It is so nice to celebrated the Christmas with our family. I am happy we celebrated our Christmas in our house.
He is so Cute

That’s all for now, I will try to update my blog if I get a chance and not busy attending of my little baby cute boy.
Video In Hospital and 1st Bathed Of My Son At Home
Here you can see also the video the 1st bath of my baby at home; he was 7 days old on that time of bathing.
He really likes bathing. He didn’t cry at all. Look at the video how he so enjoy the bathing with his dad.
Enjoy watching…
Shopping For My Son
We bought pyjamas some Disney character like Minnie pooh. I like Minnie pooh. We put a 2 big frame Minnie pooh to the room of my son. It so nice to look, it is very colourful too. I love it!
That’s all for now friends, I want to post more later on.
Shopping Online for Christmas presents
Now, I am looking the website, which is better to shop which is very good quality and good prices.
Welcome to my new Page
Hope you will always visit this page, where you can learn and know more about my life, my journey and all everything what we have in this world, nowadays, specially we are now in more technology generations, where I can share to all of you.
Welcome Baby Cedric In This World

Welcome in this world baby little Cedric David, my little cute boy. In this photo he was just 8 hours old. He is so cute. His checks are so pinkish, very cute and so huggable. I can’t resist kissing him a lot and daddy too. He was 3920 grams and 51 centimetres. I thank God he is healthy came in this world. I delivered him thru Caesarean Operations. The operations were successfully. I thanks God for all of this, he gave us a cute baby boy. This is our fruit of Love, our bundle of joy. When he came on that night that was the time we started our family a right family, a complete family that we called. We are so overwhelmed he came into our life.
Love to play with the Snow

What have you seen in this Photo? Isn’t frozen falls? This photo took a couples of years, we were in Berner Oberland, we did snow sledged with my friends and with our husband’s. It was fun day and we enjoyed our snow sledged. In there, during that time, there was so thick snow; there are lot of people enjoying the snow.
I love snow; I love to play too. As I have now a cute baby boy maybe in this year when he will be 1 year old, I think we are going to have snow sledged and playing with snow a lot, as the children like to play with the snow. I want to create a snowman with my baby cute boy and with my husband too, probably. Wow; this will be our first snowman with my cute baby boy playing and creating the snowman. Anyway, still many months to wait, that he will be 1 year old, but I am so excited about all of this, but by this time he still a little baby boy, I must enjoy with him and taking care and till now we are a little bit new for all of this that we have a little baby cute boy, we are still adjusting our living, but we are so happy he came into our life. He made our life complete, that no one can pay, it is a priceless love and care of our baby.
Seasons Greetings to Everyone!