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Shopping For My Son

Today, we went to shopping mall. We bought some things for our baby, because he received a lot of gift cards when we were on hospital. So we bought some pairs of shoes, clothes and pyjamas for him. I like to buy his clothes because I feel that so cute and I feel so excited to see him how he looks like and because some of his clothes and pyjamas too are already too small, only one time he used some clothes because is too short already. He is so fast growing, gosh! Maybe someday, he is taller than me, I think so. So today, we bought a little bit bigger clothes for him, so that he can use a month more.

We bought pyjamas some Disney character like Minnie pooh. I like Minnie pooh. We put a 2 big frame Minnie pooh to the room of my son. It so nice to look, it is very colourful too. I love it!
That’s all for now friends, I want to post more later on.

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