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10 Months Old Baby Boy

Wow time goes by so fast my fast learner baby boy was 10 months old yesterday. When he was 7 months old, he crawls slowly anywhere in our flat and gets all the things what he has seen.
Furthermore, now he is expert, he can walk while holding onto furniture and sometimes trying hard to stand and walk without holding furniture and he learn more phrases, action and beginning to understand simple words. He replied when I talked to him saying da-da-da, bah-bah, te-te, ba-ba, mamam-mamam, mama, papa etc and then grunting and pointing something what a clever boy? However, I feel silly having conversation with my baby boy but it is a great way to encourage his languages skills.

Yesterday when we were in my friend house when he saw a lot of figurine mouse of my friend collection he pointed each of figurine mouse it is something he was counting that makes me laughed at loud my husband and my mom too. Everyday he uses it to point something; maybe he is just a clever boy and fast learner or just playing and learns from mom and dad.

His biggest and expensive stuff (laugh)

Proud his stuff toys...

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