11 Months Old Cuddly Baby Boy

Tuesday (that was 7th October), my baby boy was 11 months old.
My baby now is in the greatest milestones. Baby’s walking and learning language skills. Being a mother is overwhelming when you see your child walking in his first steps.

Here is the video of my cuddly baby boy. He loves to walk, he is so proud that he can walk. This milestone he learns so early before becoming 11 months old and that makes me more so happy and proud being a mom of a strong and clever baby boy.


AFamilyMan said...

Hi there please come by and pick up your blog award from me to you thanks

myles said...

ahahahaha! very cute! congrats!

mimilanie's corner
emotera's health site
beauty portal

Signe said...

He's adorable! Congrats on the milestones...they really are wonderful! (I have 3 kids and love each little thing!)

Carnation said...

hello cute baby! and nice blog. just dropping by. i've added you to my feed.

akokow said...

have you joined Blog Action Day 2008 yet?