We are now here in 2008, so now let me tell you all about of what happenings to me in last 2007.
January 01-New Year's Day!
02- At lunch time together with hubby and inlaws in restaurant.
06-Three Kings day, hubby won again, he got again the King from the bread, he was again the King.
17-Visited Rigi Mount, The queen of the Mountain of Switzerland
28-29 City Tours in
Milano, Italy.
February 08- Having little party at home together with my pinay friends.
10- Visited in Basel Zoo with hubby and pinay friends and with the kid. I remember, the big Snake Python was moving and my pinay friend told me, that me in this year (2007) I will be pregnant, she said that because I told her that I want to be pregnant year 2007, yeah, my wish was granted! (Keep reading this entry you will find the result when I was preggy!)
12-shopping together with my pinay friends.
18-Visited Oeschinesee. You can go there with the Chair Lift, when during winter time and so cold, the lake is pretty frozen, which is very nice to go around.
26-We bought a pregnancy test.
27-The day that we knew that I am pregnant. Our Happiness anybody one can't stop it that I was preggy. In this day, hubby called then to my OB doctor to have an appointment, the appoinment, that was last March 12.
March 11- Visited Auto Salon in Geneve with hubby and friends
12- This is the day, hubby and I knew officially that I am in 7 weeks pregnant and saw the 1st time small fetus my baby.
April 22-Visited the family friend of hubby and lunch in restaurant.
12-18 City Vocation in Pisa, Rome and Florence, Italy.
23-Monthly scheduled, went to OB doctor, checked my baby in my womb.
26-Bonding with friends in the City.
May 25-First time and this is the 1st day that I felt my baby moving on my womb. and the rest I forgot the date when I was on my OB doctor on this month LOLs..
June -1st week, my monthly schedule, went to OB doctor, checked my baby in my womb.
June 15-30 In Grand Canaria Island, Spain Vocation, it was great and we had a blast vocation, hubby and I enjoyed so much.
July 1st week, went to OB Doctor, monthly scheduled checking the baby on my womb.
24- Went to B-day Party of my pinay friend.
29-Went to Thai Festival with friends and hubby. I forgot the rest of happenings of this months...
August 01- It was Switzerland Day! bonding with friends with our hubbys, We did Picnic near by Lake by Biel, t'was Fantastic day, full of laughed and chikahan and in the evening went to the hill watching the Fireworks within 20 minutes. I
And I forgot the rest of happenings of this month hehehe...
05- Hubby and I went to Rhinefalls Schaffhaussen. This Falls is the biggest in Europe.
07-Monthly Scheduled,went to OB doctor, checked up the baby in my womb.
17- My graduation day of my Spielgruppe Leiterin(Teacher or Leader LoLss.) Course and got my 1st Diplom here in Switzerland.
September 16-Monthly Scheduled went to OB doctor, checked up the baby in my womb.
25- Back to the OB doctor again, 2 times in a month na jud ang pag check up lols..
-I forgot the rest.......LOlss..
October 2nd week of back to the OB doctor, to checked up.
16-Our Church Wedding Anniversary, We went for a dinner in Pizzeria Restaurant, of course we had great Pizza.
20-It was my birthday, went to Cenima watched the movie "I pronounce you Chuck and Larry" and then went to Mexican Restaurant, it was fantastic dinner we had.
25-Mothly Scheduled went to OB doctor, Checked up the baby in my womb. OB Doctor scheduled for me November 5 in Hospital if the baby will not come on November 3 on my due. So he scheduled November 5 to go to hospital to checked the baby's movement and heart beat and when the baby come exactly.
November 03-was the day of my due.
04-Waiting the baby coming...but not on that day...still waiting...
05-We went to hospital checked the baby movements and the heart beat, checked up when he really exact come.
06-Night, got hurtburn, and I throwed up, so hubby called to the hospital to the midwife if it is possible to go to hospital on that night, because my OB doctor was scheduled that I go in Hospital November 7 if the baby's not already come. And we go in hospital and we decided to stayed and the midwife gave me some medicine but through anus...LOLs...so that I give labor in the next day.
07-exactly 9:00 PM the midwife called to my OB doctor, and told him, need the Ceasarean Operation because the baby's head was not on the right position in the pelvix, and at 9:45 the midwife and my husband did brought me in the operating room, when we were there a lot of doctors and the doctors introduced themselves to me and they are specialists doctors but I did not really pay attention that time as I do not understand my feelings and I was nervous and felt happy too at same time. The anesthesiologist was nice to me and I did not feel pain on my back when he was injecting me with the anesthesia. After few minutes I felt tired and fall asleep, but on that time I was lying in bed already and I felt I cannot breath anymore. When I tried to talk to the doctor I cannot talk seems its like a dream that sometimes you feel this way like you wanted to your eyes and talk but you cannot as I experienced this kind of dream too. A minutes ago my OB doctor was arrived, I saw him a little bit even my eyes keeping close and I heard his voice, asking some doctors there, if Im fine and feel good, but thats all I heard, I forgot I was fall asleep,
To make it short the story, 10 PM the operation was started and hubby was there and then, the MUCH AWAITED to all, my baby cute boy is born 10:14 at the evening...!!! He was so big, 3920 grams and 50 cm. that is also why the head was not on the right position or not so exactly in my pelvix. They awake me up, then I saw my baby boy a little bit, (I can't really open my eyes i was so tired and so heavy to open) and heard his cry. and then back to fall asleep, I was in deep sleeping, I was awake only when we was on the other room, then that was the 1st time my baby was on my shoulder.
08- At 8:00 AM the assitant nurse helped me to clean my self because my back full of color from Anesticia, I stood up and walked and went to the comfort room with so much painful from because of my Ceasarean Operation...grrrr....but the assistant nurse told me, It is very good I walked already, she appreciate it that I can stand and walk already it is just 8 hours only from Operation. Imagine that how is that so painful? LOLs...
On that day, on the afternoon, my friends and from family of hubby, visited me in hospital with their gifts for my baby cute boy. And with the bad news too from the father of hubby, need to admit on hospital again because of the Lung Cancer. That was made me saddened.
09-My sis and bro inlaw arrived from USA, at 1:00 PM they visited me in hospital, when they was saw me, they was schocked because my face look like so fat, that was because of so much medicine and specially the Anesticia.
November 10-Saturday more visitors.
November 11-ohhh I had so much visitors in hospital...was so funny because my friends was so noisy and they are so loud, and one nurse was mad to them. And we brought my friends in cafeteria in hospital, they have so much laughed and enjoyed conversationed each other, but my bro inlaw noticed about me, that I am just smiling and he felt pain about my situation, because when I walked I can't walked really exactly because of pain, but I handled it.
12-Preparing to go home. I was so excited with the baby at home.
13- Is the 1st day at home of my baby Cute boy and 1st sleeping on his bed.
and the rest of the day of November I forgot hehehe... LOLs..
December 01- 1st day of hubby on his new job and I felt bad because hubby his office is quiet far from our place.
07- My baby cute boy 1 month-old.
24-Visited to family friends and having a snack and coffe drink and gave some gifts of their kids.
25-Christmas dinner together with family of hubby at home. Hubby and I cooked special foods, and we recieved lots of gifts from them.
28-Visited to another family friends.
30-Visited to mom inlaw.
31-New Year Eve Party at the house of my pinay friends, and Happy New Year Everyone.
These are my recap happenings last year 2007, some I forgot, but the most important I still remember of what happenings during I am pregnant of my baby cute boy. When I am old, I still look back this of what happenings during when he was in my womb.