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Christian and Hymns Music

Do you worshipped to God, go to the church in the holy day, and worship him? Do not think that I am convincing you. I think this is interesting for you if you love Christian music. This is what I am going to say that I want to share you what I discovered (*sigh*). As being a Christian, I missed going to the church. Couple of years now since I have been in the church but I never forget our God I still believed in him and worship him.

This evening I am so glad my sister sharing me a link about music where I can listen Christian/religious music at hymns and favorites dot com. Oh, I miss those Christian music that used to sing in the church in my single years.

New York Yankees

Speaking of sport, I love watching sports. I do not play but I love watching some sports. I knew everyone of us has favorite sports and has a favorite team. I like football and baseball I feel so excited when the game starts until the last minute. If your favorite team New York Yankees now is your chance to watch the game in this season in the new Yankee Stadium in this summer. It is not just in your big screen television watch in the new Yankee Stadium get the New York Yankees tickets and check the venues and following events.

A Fun Day

How day, folks? What you had done today? Do you have some fun today? If you ask me at the same question, we have fun today not just fun we had beautiful day. Today, it’s a last day of Fasnacht (Carnival), my husband, son Cedric and I went to the city and watched promenade of Fasnacht. It was a lot of fun, hearing, crazy and fun music that made us shake shake shaked our butts (*laugh*). Too sexy I wore high heels I felt painful in my legs and feet standing on the street watching Carnival promenade with my son on my arms I had no time to sat down and let my legs and arms calm. It’s almost 2 hours we stood up and watched the promenade. After an hour, my friends came. We had chitchat and then after we went to Westside mall in Brünnen, and watch the live concert. Oh yeah I took many pictures that I can share you later on folks about the fasnacht and the concert. See you later wish you had beautiful day! God Bless.

Cures for Ailments

To live healthfully, we can do all the things possible to cure ailments in natural way that made at home from natural ingredients like herbs, fruits and vegetables to Cures for Ailments for naturally healthy living.

I take 4 cups of teas in a day that helps to fight off cold and cough and other symptoms. Sometimes because of the bad weather, we cannot get rid the cold, cough and flu even just, we have time to take care of our selves. Just past few months ago my son, my husband and I affected cold and coughed at the same time had flu. Is not funny being sick you know that, being sick, the feeling is so bad and you feel that you are in the end of the world? As a wife and a mother, have a son and sick at the same it is difficult to take care of together. I tried hard to do my household tasks, which it is so difficult to do when we are sick.

At this time, I am glad I discovered symptoms treatments that we can find on online that help us to know more about important healthcare to cures for ailments. Know more about important healthcare issues such as cures for ailments from Dan Neumeister, a top healthcare executive from California. Head over to Daniel Neumeister profile at Scribd for more background information.

My Sweet Little "Bee" Boy In The Carnival Day

Starting yesterday here in Berne is Fasnact (Carnival) days until late Saturday night. Berne is the third largest Fasnacht event in Switzerland. People enjoy wearing masks, wearing costumes as like Halloween, hearing the bands of carnival their noisy and crazy music. Having street theatre music and everywhere.

Today, in the afternoon, it was children promenade Fasnacht (Carnival) day, baby Cedric wore his cute costumes a “Bumble Bee” costumes. When we were at Bundesplatz (ground house of parliament) there are tourists people and 2 ladies requested to have a pictures with my sweet little “Bee” boy but my “Bee” boy was shy to them so it was not so perfect shot that they got (*grin*).

My sweet little "Bee" Boy. The photo took yesterday in his gym school

Today by the Bundesplatz (by the House Parliament)

Go Green Home Business

Air, water, trees, animals, mountains etc. and all beautiful things what we have now in this earth is a greatest gift from God. We must love and care the environment what God given to us. There are people abuses our environment now, as also because of financial crisis. Our surroundings now are polluted, environments are affected and people affected this problem. We need to listen and read EcoQuest international and look this is can help us to prevent pollution nowadays. For matters involving getting the best going green home business opportunity, EcoQuest international can help you comprehend the issues better through EcoQuest company profile here.

In the other things, nowadays, everywhere encountered financial crisis and that there are people are affected. There are thousands of people are now jobless, lost their job and affected of financial crisis which is so painful to us. At this problem of global financial crisis, we need to find the solution how we could get rid from financial crisis. However, even we are facing global financial crisis we have a chance to have a home business.

Now, I tell you what I have found you can earn money even you just stay at home. Now earn money go green home business. There are thousands of people now making money online, earn money as much than in the office. I am also a mother of a little boy I earn more bucks compared to my work, see how so great it is? Look for a Go Green Home Business. I think go green home business this is a great opportunity for everyone of us as we are now in financial crisis.

Sunken City Is To Up-arise.

I browse online news tonight this is what I found. The sunken city is to up-rise soon. I don’t know if you heard already this news. This is the latest news that I have read this evening at 20min dot ch.

Of artificial lake, flooded Thracian -City Seuttopolis in Bulgaria is to be drying-put. In the middle in the lake, a gigantic dam will protect the antique ruins.

The ancient city founded by the king Thracian king Seuthes III, and the capital of the Odrysian kingdom since 320 BC. The city were discovered and excavated in 1948.

Now these days they want to reconstruct again this sunken city. I think this could be great impressions to this country of Bulgaria and new exciting destinations and attraction of travellers. Interesting huh!

it would be like this....Illuminated at night

Attractive Smile

A smile is a facial expression of us. In addition, even you have wrinkles with a smile that make improve your face value so let us give a smile everyday. It is just so simply meaning of that when you smile everyday that can add years to your life and can make more look younger your face.

I knew you feel conscious to smile in front of the people when you have damage teeth, broke tooth, or discolored teeth, unevenly spaced. As you know that, I broke my front tooth when I was younger age. Yah know, it so feel good to smile when you have brighter and cleaner teeth you can have attractive smile to everyone. It is so great having porcelain veneers that make the teeth cleaned and brighter and help your feel confidence smiling in front of the people. I discovered dental services, a price of porcelain veneers that everyone can afford it.

In my side, sometimes, I feel not confidence when I smile. Sometimes I smiled with my mouth closed. I broke my tooth at the front that is why I feel shy to smile, nevertheless just a slightly crooked happened to my tooth so it is not too bad. Onetime I talked to my husband if the dentist could be possible to fix my tooth someday. I am waiting for my appointment this coming month of May.

40th Birthday Invitation

Oh yay! It is almost March now. Time flies so fast huh! March is the month of my husband. He is going to celebrate his 40th birthday. We will have quite small celebration his 40th birthday with 50 guests just simple yet fun and fabulous. I’ll be busy this coming month practise dancing and arrange for birthday celebration. I created birthday invitation card, which was successful customized like photo collage. The photo in invitation card is showing when my husband just a month old, when he started to walked and played, his teenage years until his getting 40 years old. The picture in the middle is my husband, our son and I. The invitation cards I have already sent to the friends of my husband few weeks ago and I received they replied that they are coming on my husband’s birthday. This going to be great 40th celebration of my husband. I feel so excited.

I made birthday invitation black and white around and in the middle of the card colored photos. I think is pretty cool for 40th birthday invitation card.

To make black and white pictures I used (Paint shop Pro 9) software then at the end, I used scrapbook software to customize.

Feel Comfortable

Bed oh I love my bed. I cannot sleep if I am not on my bed in time of sleeping. I feel so comfortable sleeping on my bed and I can sleep so longer. In times taking nap, I always in my bedroom and lay down on my bed. Thanks to my husband, he bought a good quality and reliable our king size bed mattress, bedding and bed frames. I love my pillows I cannot sleep without pillows too. I love lying down on my bed every day and every night.

How Did You Know

I really love this song “How did you know” song by Gary Valenciano. I love listening and singing together the music.

However, I have not watched the movie which is a Filipino movie titled “All my Life” starring Christine Hermosa and Aga Mulach maybe I could find a DVD. I think the movie is interesting how the man and woman meet and in love each other, I am so excited to watch the movie.

Oks folks, take time to listen the music and watch the video. Enjoy…

Christian Books

Do you like reading Christian books? I like reading Christian books that makes me entertain. When I was in my teenager years, I started reading Christian books, especially bible. I interest reading Christian books because there are words make us enlighten and inspired us as we are now in the hard times. Christian books that make us lighten up our day when we are down. I love also listening Christian music and watching Christian movies and videos.

Wait Am Not Ready

Few days ago, I was so busy doing in order some things in our cabinets. I do not remembered I brought my during college graduation pictures from Philippines and that made me remembered my some classmates in college in Philippines. When I was looking the picture, I was so happy and I smiled. I remembered my one classmate. She wanted look perfect always in the pictures. When time of taking shooting she always saying “wait, wait, I am not ready” even just we counted 1, 2, 3 smile and then she said “wait I am not ready” which already late already taken picture. Therefore, some picture of her was not in good looking ha-ha-ha and my husband had noticed too because when we were in Philippines few years ago she was with us and she never changed when time of taking pictures.

The pictures above during graduation day from left to right, left Rowena again not ready so my sis directly clicking the camera, in the middle that's me and Cherrylyn.

Safety First

Every building must have an exit signs in case of an emergency. Exit sign or safety lighting this is the most important in every building in order that people can very easy to find the way out when it come an emergency. If you have building or business make it safety first you better have emergency lighting or exit sign for security to keep your business safe. When you are looking exit sign or emergency lights, you get better exit signs code at

It Was Fun Time

Last few weeks ago, my friends and I had a bonding time. It was a lot of fun with them, people passing by gave us a big smile I think they found out that so funny because were with babies with stroller that look like were in parade of stroller on the street, ay! I found was funny with babies on the stroller. Look like we were the owners of the street we did not care that were on the middle of the road. I enjoyed together with them we laughed aloud and enjoyed walking together with them. I am looking forward again to my friends soon.

Fence Installation

Having fence to our surroundings is so great to make it safe and look beautiful to your residence not just for residence it is also for garden. We can find fence design that fit your surroundings. Check for fence installation for your residence at and deck installation and railing installation. See fence quotes you can find your needs for your fence residence to make your residence and garden beautiful, safe and secure.

My Lover

I received flowers and gift card from my husband on Valentines Day. I do not expect that he gave me a gift cards worth a lot, which made me surprised. I am not used receiving a gift card from Marionnaud worth a lot in Valentines Day gift because is not my special day or my Birthday and Christmas day. It’s okay for me when is only flowers and chocolate than a gift card that worth a lot, I appreciate what he had given to me but I felt conscience for my self.. huh…. what I had done to my husband why he gave me this a lot in Valentines day? Hmm I have a sweet man, a loving and a romantic man that I can shout to the world that I am so much happy having him in my life. I love him so much not because of the things that what he had given to me that am because I love him forever not just the rest of my life but forever.

Paternity Test

DNA paternity test is so important if you have had many partners in your lives and want to know whose the father of the baby is, not just, because you do not have love to the baby just wanting to be sure whose the father of the child is. For DNA paternity test or human test, we need to choose a reliable and trusted DNA diagnostic laboratory. Look DNA Diagnostics Center services all around United States and worldwide the most experienced private DNA testing laboratory nowadays.

I Saw The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Usually my husband travel every Monday 1 and half-hour with car to their main office to work but he decided not to go their because of some reason. My colleague called me and we had chitchat through telephone and we came up the topic about the movies and had decided to go in cinema and watch the “The curious case of Benjamin Button” from David Fincher starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

The transistorises of the time is the main subject in the epic love story in which a man is born (Benjamin Button) as an old man which is a man aging backward and dies 85 years as a small baby. This living reverses direction. How this person living in reverse direction behaves and how the peoples react to him?

I enjoyed watching the movie and my friends too…I can say that this movie is dramatic and involving emotionally. I did not notice that I have teary eyes at the last 30 minutes in the movie until at the end. It is worth seeing this movie beautiful, fantasy, truly touching story, melancholic romance and surprising.

You must watch this movie. So good, it is different movies that I’ve ever watch!

Here is the official Synopsis: "I was born under unusual circumstances." And so begins 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,' adapted from the 1921s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918 to the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man's life can be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button is a grand tale of a not-so-ordinary man and the people and places he discovers along the way, the loves he finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.

Extended Stay Hotels

When we plan vacation, we need to book flight and hotels. One thing I must be sure and I check the hotels that where I stay 1st comfortable 2nd convenient and lastly not the least affordable one that feel more like home which is the perfect choice the extended stay hotels for longer stay and to enjoy a vacation. At suburban extended stay hotels, offering great deals over 60 locations around United States of America. This is a great hotel designed for longer stays for business or for extended vacations.

Shopping Fever

January ‘til February I say that this is the month of shopping fever here in our place. There are many shops offering discount items. I couldn’t resist my self without buying some items when I am in the mall in the shop in the city even everyday I’ve been in the city and bought something for my self few days ago, because of discounted items I cannot helped my self not to buy items. I am just thinking that in the next month I would not buy because not discounted items. Yeah sure that’s me I just buy discounted items and I’ll not buy also a things if I don’t need. I can pressure my self to buy a thing not discounted items if I really need and important for me. Therefore, that is why now in the shop still having discounted items I just took advantage to buy my needs.n

Term Life Insurance

There are many term life insurance companies out there. There are also term life insurance that does not meet our needs quotes and rates. At wholesale insurance, we can find the best term life insurance quotes and rates because they are the one term life insurance online that select the top term life insurance rates and quotes, you can compare policies all insurance companies from online. You can find the best term life insurance, low cost and reliable one; check it out the top listed term life insurance at wholesale insurance. Wish you have a great day.

Valentines Day Gift

February 14 is Valentines day as we all know that is now getting closer. A day celebrated for a lovers’. A day of giving cadies, chocolate, flowers or other special gifts between girl friend and boyfriend and between couples in love. People looking special for their loved ones.

Last week 2nd day of February I gave to my husband a pillow shape heart written love forever that made him surprised and I already bought also a gift for my husband for this February 14 valentine day just a small one but it is appreciable things. I think he we like it. Have you done buying special gift for your loved ones? Hmm…

Discount Items

As we, all know that we are now in global financial crisis it is time to save money and look discount items when it comes buying something for your offices and businesses like gadgets, computer, games and toys, electronics etc. in the shop to make sure to save money even just a little. If you have business, it is great to look promotional items products also like promotional pens to promote your business for clients and employees to enhance your business. Look discount items promotional products I knew you‘d find it.

Shopping Days

Today it was another beautiful day it was sunny day and cool weather. I met my friends in the city and we had a little bit shopping as of now here in our place every shops having sales items. I bought pairs of clothes and I grabbed one Benetton jacket because 70% discount so it was a great deal for me being a shopper. The discount items still going on, I think until 2 weeks of this February, so it is better for me as a shopper now to go to the shop and buy for my needs. We knew that springtime is getting closer and another new collection of shoes and clothes will arrive in the shop and sales.