Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Perfect Day
Due to warm weather, my husband put my baby like this on the stroller as what you have seen in picture, he look so funny with his position. We heard many compliment from many people that our son is so adorable. That made our heart so happy Nyay! And we are proud as mom and dad.
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His Smile Makes My Heart Overwhelms.
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Sleep For A Long Time
Full of Bubbles
My son enjoyed playing with water. We let him on the bathtub he keeps kicking the water that is why he was full of bubbles (lol). He so cute and I want to hug and kiss him always. Sometimes he felt hurt when I kiss and hug him so hard (oh poor baby). Mostly people ask to my husband or on me if he is a boy or girl, even he wore a color blue jacket, is not obvious a boy? (lol) those all for now folks about my son.
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Back To Sleep
Amazing Sunset Alona Beach Bohol
We witness the romantic and amazing sunset in Alona Beach Bohol. I missed this place until now I can still picture in my mind our amazing vacation few years ago now in Panglao Island Bohol by Alona beach. I found the place Alona resort is romantic, calm and beautiful beach. It is so nice to be back again in there with our baby boy.
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Bonding With Friends
Time fliest so fast. We are almost in the middle of the year now. The weather here in our place is getting better everyday. On Sunday, my family and my friend’s family had a chance bonded, we were visited Thun town (the most original town in Switzerland), and it is just 20 minutes to drive a car from our place. It was great weather, the Alps that you can see clearly which amazing view from this small town, views of the Eiger monch and Jungrfrau which are very known alps and the mount Niesen and stockhorn. Many local people and tourist people walked around. This is also we like the most to visit this place. We walked around the city, the park and took shots. Here are some photos we took while we were crossing the little bridge (the bridge made of wood), which is a bridge open able dams to control the water from Thuner lake.
Photo above view from Bridge.
Oliver(son of Malou) Malou, her daughter Kimberly, Me and my baby boy.
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Adorable With His Blanket
Just Leave A Note
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My New Look Hairstyle
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Having Headache and Stomachache
Sorry folks, I cannot visit at this time in your blog and I cannot reply your message in my tag board and in my comments box. I need to go to sleep now, as I have stomachache and headache at this time, double pain..arrrrgg. Hope tomorrow will fine then. So, see you on your page tomorrow folks. Have a great day or night.
Pearls Of The Swiss Riviera, Vevey Town
Did you see the fork behind me? How tall is that fork? This is the biggest fork that I ever saw in my life. My husband took shot this; we were in Vevey last Saturday. Vevey is a one little town in south of Switzerland last saturday, with a car 1 and half hour from our place. Vevey, is quiet, clean its streets, and is the one called “Pearls of the Swiss Riviera”. It is located at the lake side of geneve near by laussane, and with the breathtaking views of the alpine panorama. Vevey is also a modern, regional centre which is headquarters to Nestlé, the international Food and Beverage Group. Its most famous inhabitant was probably the comedian Charlie Chaplin, who spent the last twenty five years of his life here. Tss.. tssk.. I forgot to posed with charley chaplin statue (lol). It was our first time visiting this town, we just stroll and looking around the city, parks and eating yummy foods was great. We bought stuff toy for our baby and I were looking the shoes for this season but I cannot find, too bad for me. We came home at 7:30 PM, we were tired from our tour, and we slept so early at night.
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My Baby First Time Eating Solid Food
at the first time feeding him Eww..mommy ugly taste...
hmmm yummy mommy...
hmm more mommy...
Stay Long Lasting Smell Lancomè Perfume
Yesterday my husband, baby Cd and I went to the city just walking around and this is what my husband bought for me, Biotherm skin peel for cellulite (my husband want his wife still look beautiful skin nyaha-ha-ha lol) and Lancomè perfume. My husband said that since few months I did not go shopping, therefore he bought this perfume and skin peel for me, which I like the most. Lacomè perfume I add this to my collection, which I like to collect. I like the smell of this perfume, which is, stay long lasting smell and new collection at this season.
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Freaking Cold Weather
Have A Nice Day Everyone
Elephant Paints Self Portrait
Watch it the video folks.
A lot of fun yesterday
The main table just good for 7 kids at the other table 5 kids
Filipina and Ecuadorian with swissfilipino baby boy
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