Espresso Machine
The Coldness Night
It’s freezing here right now in our place. It is so cold! do you know how cold is it? In the south of Switzerland in Tecino region, it is minus 26 Celsius what if in North Switzerland in our area? This is the coldness night in the winter of this year. Oh, yah I am not complaining about that just sharing what we have temperature at this time, yah know it is nice when is cold with snow but when is cold without snow grrr it is boring! Goodness we have snow at this moment but everyday started last week the sun was shining maybe sooner in the lowland the snow will melt but on the high mountain will remain having snow, which is good for skiers, snowboarders and snow ledgers.
I want to go to snow sledge soon. I cannot wait for this I think this coming New Year 2nd week of January.
Indoor Lighting
Sent Some Penny
Great Sale
It Was Too Long To Wait
Past few years ago, when my husband and I travelled in EU states I need Schengen VISA and need to apply for Shengen VISA. Oh yeah it is so quick to apply but many papers to arrange it plus my husband keep having free from his work that is so disgusting for him and disturbing to his work.
Oh yah I thanks that now no need to apply Schengen VISA. Nyay, I am so excited our next travel vacation here in EU states if God’s will.
(Hmm not too worried about it I’ll be having Swiss passport next year if I like hahaha only the time and God knows that).
I love Laptop
Enjoying With The Snow
My husband and I love snow sledding; it is a lot of fun and so exciting. Moreover, today baby Cedric, me and I had another day for snow sledding and went up again to Gurten Hill. Cedric loving riding snow sledding with his Dad. Cedric loving riding snow sledding. Oh yeah at last, he had enough jacket and shoes. Therefore, that was makes me comfort and baby Cedric and I was not worried to my boy.
The Snowy Time
Moreover, this morning when I was going to my work and drive a car, it was so wet and so slippery road and it so difficult and dangerous to drive the car. I called to my chief earlier that I‘d be a little bit late arrive in my work because, maybe, that could be possible that in motorways will be having traffic usually in the morning when is so snowy but surprisingly it was going too smoothly and no traffic. I arrived at the same time at my work time. My chief was also surprised I arrived at a time.
Last few days were having snow but just as normal but last night started snowstorm until now, our neighbour said that tomorrow maybe the snow height would be 30 cm from below land.
Yayy… having snow in our place is not always nice specially when you are going to work early in the morning and encounter snowstorm. The streets are full of snow, wet, slippery, dangerous to drive the car. Nevertheless, you know snow also beautiful around seeing all white like powder, nice to play with the snow, throwing snowballs and making snowman. Having snow is truly a lot of fun but sometimes is not nice when you start your work in the morning and you need to drive your car during snowy time.
Las Vegas Strip
Therefore, if I have a chance to visit in las vegas someday I knew now where I could find hotels promotion and famous exciting shows in Las Vegas.
Vote New7wonders Of Nature
I have cousin chatted this morning. We talked many different topics. One of the topics we discussed to have beach vacation way back to Philippines. Oh yeah we talk about beaches vacation and I told her about the choices that I can bring my family with us to have beach vacation which is so easy and not too far, in Boracay or Bohol in Panglao Island. Then she told me if she could have a chance to visit now in Philippines she wanted to visit Bohol, Cebu and Palawan. I told her too that I want to visit in Palawan to have beach vacation and visit some interesting attractions and places in Palawan.
While we spoke about Palawan I shared to her about New7wonders of nominees. I told her the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is on top ten now in new7wonders nominees, so I urge her to vote (smile) Oh yay, being Filipina we are so proud our land that we have also beautiful and interesting places that a must visit to foreign people, right?
So folks my co-bloggers and readers, please vote now for new7wonders of the world the “Puerto Princesa Subterranean River” at just click liveranking to see the result then click vote…just in your click away.
Nikon Rifle Scopes
Romantic Brine Bath
It’s been awhile since I’ve been swimming. I really missed swimming. Tomorrow evening I am going to treat my girlfriend we have swimming in (brine bath) solbad and spa in Schönbühl neighbouring in our village just 15 minutes away with our car. This is my surprised gift to her birthday and another packed gift that I’ve already bought last week. I knew she would like my surprised and as she love to swim too. I am so excited about this, I can’t wait for tomorrow.
I like the place (brine bath) solbad and spa was my husband, and I love relaxing and swimming at the warm brine pool. It is perfect place for couples, friends, families or boyfriend and girlfriend, the romantic brine pool to have perfect relaxed in a warm pool.
The (brine bath) solbad and spa has indoor brine pool, outdoor bubble pools with a temperature of 35 °C an extensive steam baths, sunbeds, sauna park, a massage centre as well as physiotherapy. Day ticket per person 28.00 CHF.
Largest Selection Of Home Theater Seating
Sexy Shoulder Bag
The Law Firm Concentrates on the Litigation of Birth Injuries
It’s the 1st day of December.
Oh yeah folks that all for now, see you later for more updates.
Small Business Opportunities
Despite of global economic crisis now we thank that there are companies offering small business opportunities now to help people who are facing financial problems. At, it is helpful and you can find the right small business for you they help you to find and locate small business, which are easy, safe and quickest to earn money. Check out for further details.
Happy Thanksgiving
Opps before I forgot anything else I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all people around the globe or Happy Friday wherever you are around the globe!
The Moving Bird's Nest
The Bamgoo weighs just 60 kilograms.
On the 9th of November the Bamgoo in Kyoto city, in the west of Japan for the first time of the wide public introduced.
Picture: Reuters / Issei Kato
Funny T shirts
My Pumpkin Soup

I simmer the slice pumpkin until get soft then I grind the pumpkin then put back to the bowl and simmer in a minutes and I put a little bit seasoning and voila it was finest pumpkin soup that I have done.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Los Angeles
2nd Party Of My Son in 1st Birthday
The cake was tasteful my son enjoyed the colourful decoration.
Here are some photos.
He is so cute, he is trying to fit his finger to the lego...
colorful cake
ready to blow the candle
Talking time...
Ferrari Parts
Baby 1st Birthday Party
Baby Cedric received many gifts from my family friends and from babies. There are lots of food and dessert. I am so thankful to all my friends were coming on the party the 1st birthday party of my baby boy. With my family friends, guests and their babies the party was successful and was great. Words is not enough to express...
Dinner time...
Photograph time...
The Birthday boy...
1st Birthday cake..
Time to sing a song Happy Birthday, blow the candle and slice...
The birthday party of my baby boy still going on this coming sunday with my husband families, with Godfather and Gomother of my baby boy....let's us enjoy...
Wish you have a great week ahead folks.
Kids Pedal Wagons
Wish you have a great night wherever you are around the globe.
Happy 1st Birthday My Baby Boy
My greatest achievement having an adorable baby boy in my life. Tomorrow he turns 1 year old. Yay! This is a great milestone of a baby that I could cherish in my life. Happy Happy Birthday, my dear baby.
Time flies so fast it seems that yesterday I give birth (Novemeber 7, 2007 ) C-section. It seems I am just dreaming but this is the reality. Now he is big boy and more cutie. He can walk and run around in our house. He learns to walk before he turns 11 months old, is that early? (smile) and everyday my baby boy and I enjoy chasing in our house and baby's love hide and seek..super duper I look around him sometimes I couldn’t find if he can not scream (laugh).
We have a little and simple birthday party celebration of my baby boy on Saturday (November 8) with my Filipino friends, just a simple party that I could say so ideal for little baby. Furthermore, on the next weekend (November 16) we have also a little party with my husband family, godfather, and godmother of my baby boy. Actually, we have two parties, I do this because our house is not big just enough for 15 people. If I invite them, we are 30 persons in all and not so ideal with to much people. Therefore, I do two birthday party celebration for my baby boy. I want 1st birthday of my baby boy simple not luxury I just want memorable baby’s 1st birthday.
Photo above, his freaky smile to mom and dad :-)
UGG Boots
There are varieties of selections UGG boots an Australian boots are stylish and good quality and the prices are great that you can afford. Get the UGG boots just click the link that I added.
October Snow
It was first time happen October snow in the low land (but on the high mountains having snow all year round) since I arrived here in Switzerland. My husband told me that it was having a snow it was many years ago in the month of October but it is rarely happens.
…so I took photos and this is what it is….so you can see a little bit our surroundings.
took from our window from the kitchen
From our balcony...
Christmas Present
Freaking Cold
Passport is the first passport service on the internet. If you wanted to know how so true is this just click the link that I added.
Filipino Channel Connection
Material Handling
Wish you have a great day and shopping.
Flight Back To Homeland
Birthday Present
As my husband knew that I love taking photos so he has an idea and bought apple iphone for me as I couldn’t go everywhere without mobile phone in my handbag than the digital camera. Yeah I knew I am not a photographer but I love collecting photos. Lastly but not the least I am addict internet…most of the time I spent my time browsing internet, emailing, blogging and chatting to my family and good friends.
The greetings card from my husband...inside meaningful messages... (smile)
This is my old baby Nokia the one of the 1st model of nokia 3G and slide style...I really love this model because the display is a high quality 262k colour screen with a very high resolution of 320 x 240 pixels is not really disappointing and has a front-mounted VGA camera for video calling...but you know this is already 2 years old.. (smile) but as you know the functionality still working and superb even though falling down sometimes from my wallet argg... but still pretty doing well...
And this is a newest cell phone for my mom. I bought just yesterday. I bought a new one for her because her old nokia cell phone was disappointing because most of the time no I bought this model Samsung SGH-J750 yesterday. Yeah is not so great than my old nokia but she said it is enough for her. She don't need a mobile which is expensive one...
Amazon Books
My 28th Birthday
…..yes this is the day, the day my mom giving birth to a baby girl a 1st daughter and a 1st grand daughter a wonderful gift from above to a parent. It is 28th years from now the day I born in this amazing world. I want to thank to my mom and my dad that they brought me into life give me a breath and clothes with love and happiness to complete their life. So now, I want to say to my self here in my blog Happy Happy Birthday to me (smile).
PS. See you later on when I came back from the City. Have a great morning everyone wherever you are around the globe.
Best Fat Burner
4th Wedding Anniversary
Now dear readers, let us celebrate and let us enjoy!
Tomorrow we have a little celebration a triple party here in our house:
First for my mom dispidida party (farewell party) she is going back to Philippines, 2nd my advance birthday party and lastly but not the least our 4rth wedding anniversary.
So gurls, let me go now I am going to buy some food for tomorrow and arrange some stuff here around in our house.
See you soon have a great day wherever you are around the globe.
Search Book Album Service
Anyway, what keep me busy at this moment, I am doing book album for my mom. Yesterday I already sent to service the first book album but I have a lot more photos for book album for my mom. I hope this will not be late, but I am trying to find a new service making book album that they can ship direct to the Philippines to my parents address. I hope I could find one. Let me search folks. I will tell you more later on.
Wish you had great day wherever you are around the globe. Tschüss…
Las Vegas Hotel
For hotels, we can find many finest hotels in the city. There is las vegas hotel reservations site that offering 77% at promotion price which is the best deal for everyone of us.
I knew now our next destinations where we could spend our family time vacation. I am sure we enjoy our stay in the beautiful city.
11 Months Old Cuddly Baby Boy
My baby now is in the greatest milestones. Baby’s walking and learning language skills. Being a mother is overwhelming when you see your child walking in his first steps.
Here is the video of my cuddly baby boy. He loves to walk, he is so proud that he can walk. This milestone he learns so early before becoming 11 months old and that makes me more so happy and proud being a mom of a strong and clever baby boy.
Mover NYC
A Perfect Day
Having fun hiking in the field of Celery and corn field with beautful nature...
Just having a great time together...
A great place to see the amazing mountains covered by snow...
Beautiful mountains covered by snow
Amazing alps this is on the way to our house from restaurant
Behind us the amazing views of alps full of snow. This is in the other side pathway when we were going home...
Pulse Oximeter
The device easy to use you just stick your finger into it and you can see the result. If you’re looking accurate, reliable and portable pulse eximeter check out at they’re having fall sales now.
My Baby Christening
The Family
With God father and God mother. The one God father not attended because he is in the US my sis husband.
with some guests
My baby having good time with guests in restaurant celebration....
Wholesale Electronics
Christening Favors That I Made
One of my friends having birthday party tomorrow at lunchtime we have little party celebration we’re invited. We’re going to have lunch at her house, we stayed there before sunset. So this is another fun of this weekend….and Sunday it’s christening day of my little son, yay! So much party at this month huh…what will be the next? Yeah, Sure our wedding anniversary this coming October 16 and my birthday in the following days, yay! However, it will gonna be simple celebration as I am not so fun having a great celebration. (laugh) If I am millionaire, I’ll do the big celebration but I am not. (laugh)
Photos below are Christening Favors..
these are some christening favors that I made.
I bought wine glasses, small stone different colors red, white and orange with every color has fragrance, ribbon and candle. It was so easy to make and I save more money than buying already made. I put inside little picture of my baby boy and little thank you message.
Acne Treament
Profit Your Time
That’s all for now, wish you have a good time…! (smile)
Fence Installation
Middle Of The Week
Anyway, I am now 3 months (if I am not wrong) member of EC card dropping and I am enjoying dropping to those people who have patient dropping their EC card to mine. I know who were always dropping EC card. Don’t hesitate just drop yours, if you drop I drop to yours too. Well, see you then! Wish you had a great Wednesday.
Home Theater Seating
Baby Love
My baby is so sweet, he loves hugging, kissing, giggling and cuddling, laugh out loud, talking, massage, swimming on the bath tub, babbling stuff and play all the time with mom dad and grandmas and playing with babies. I notice he learns new everyday. He learns fast. One time I noticed that he dance while watching Wowoweee in TV (noontime Philippine TV Show) I did not teach him but I think he just learn what he have seen. Everyday now and then he dance when I say dance yet he dance while singing shout a loud it seems he is so excited and loving it. When he hears people shouting in the show, he shouts aloud too. What mom and dad doing he imitate action and sounds that’s makes me so amazed to my baby boy learn a lot in early months old.
Photo above he was 8 months baby wanted to give kiss on me
Photo below he was 7 months old when my baby playing with the baby girl... nice shot? (laugh)